5 Reasons Why You Should Enroll in a Personal Care Aide Diploma Program this Year

Deciding on a career is a big decision, made only more difficult by the uncertainty of whether you’ll be able to find work with the training program you’ve chosen, or the question of whether your job will actually make you happy. While completing training and going through the hiring processes may be the reason you shy away from going back to school or changing your career path, the benefits of a career as a personal care aide might surprise you. 

A personal care aide is someone who provides direct care and monitoring of clients/patients/residents in many forms to those who need help performing tasks of daily life, such as seniors, young adults, children, and people with an injury. Personal care aides may work from a variety of locations such as clients’ homes, hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, and more. A career as a personal care aide is not only rewarding, as the work revolves around helping people and ensuring that they are able to live in comfort, but the training is quick, and the work is in high demand. Read on to see the reasons why work as a personal care aide is both fulfilling and accessible.

Get Your Personal Care Aide Diploma in No Time

Personal care aide programs, such as those offered by Saskatoon Business College, offer quick, cost-effective training lasting only 10 months. Rather than sitting through years of schooling, you can get your diploma and launch into your career in less than a year. This means that completing your personal care aide courses is easier than you might think.

Enjoy Job Security with High Demand Work

In Canada, the number of seniors is on track to outpace the number of children. According to the Government of Canada, by 2030, seniors will account for 23% of the population. For personal care aides, this means that work will continue to be in high demand, as growing numbers of seniors will require assistance with day to day tasks. Rather than entering the workforce unsure of the likelihood of getting hired, choosing a personal care aide program comes with some fairly solid job security.

Love What You Do, and Be Loved for It

Work as a personal care aide is extremely rewarding, as the services you provide are both deeply important and helpful to clients. The clients you care for depend on you for assistance in their daily routines, and you provide more than just care. You have an irreplaceable impact on your clients as a caretaker and friend. With a personal care aide diploma, you can remain confident that you’re always helping others.

A personal care aide can help people to live happily and healthily

Directly Impact the Livelihood of Clients

By performing functions that clients can’t, personal care aides improve their quality of life, assisting with day to day functions such as personal hygiene and housework. This work allows clients to “age in place,” living comfortable, quality lives without sacrificing independence or dignity. Such work is essential to the healthy livelihoods of clients. 

A personal care aide can help people to live happily and healthily

Schedule Flexibility—A Job That Works Around You

If you’re worried about being able to balance a career with all of your other obligations, whether at home or elsewhere, a personal care aide program can help you secure the flexible job you need. Because the work is composed of shifts, you can often choose which shifts you work and how many, and set the number of clients you’ll see each week yourself. Personal care aides can either work full time, part time, or on a casual basis. 

Thinking of becoming a personal care aide?

Check out Saskatoon Business College’s personal care aide program to see if it’s right for you!

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